
Principales publications

Vucurovic, K., Raucher-Chéné, D., Obert, A., Gobin, P., Henry, A., Barrière, S., Traykova, M., Gierski, F., Portefaix, C., Caillies, S., Kaladjian, A. (2023). Activation of left medial temporal gyrus and adjacent brain areas during affective theory of mind processing correlates with trait-schizotypy in a nonclinical population. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 18(1):nsac051.

Gierski, F., Benzerouk, F., Jeanblanc, J., Angerville, B., Dervaux, Kaladjian, A., Naassila, M. (2022). Validity and usefulness of the short form of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire Revised (DMQ-R SF) among patients with schizophrenia. Addictive Behaviours. 129:107251.

Benzerouk, F., Djerada, Z., Naassila, M., Barrière, S., Kaladjian, A., Gierski, F. (2022). Role of Impulsivity and Emotion Dysregulation Dimensions on Core Characteristics of Binge Drinking among University Students. Psychologica Belgica. 62(1):286-296.

Perotin, JM., Gierski, F., Bolko, L., Dury, S., Barrière, S., Launois, C., Dewolf, M., Chouabe, S., Bongrain, E., Picard, D., Tran, E., N'Guyen, Y., Mourvillier, B., Servettaz, A., Rapin, A., Marcus, C., Lebargy, F., Kaladjian, A., Salmon, JH., Deslee, G. (2022). Cluster analysis unveils a severe persistent respiratory impairment phenotype 3-months after severe COVID-19. Respiratory Research. 23(1):199.

Henry, A., Raucher-Chéné, D., Obert, A., Gobin, P., Vucurovic, K., Barrière, S., Sacré, S., Portefaix, C., Gierski, F., Caillies, S., Kaladjian, A. (2021). Investigation of the neural correlates of mentalizing through the Dynamic Inference Task, a new naturalistic task of social cognition. Neuroimage. 243:118499.

Schmid, F., Benzerouk, F., Barrière, S., Henry, A., Limosin, F., Kaladjian, A. Gierski, F. (2021). Heterogeneity of executive function abilities in recently detoxified patients with alcohol use disorder: Evidence from a cluster analysis. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 45(1):163-173.

Raucher-Chéné, D., Obert, A., Gierski, F., Benzerouk, F., Terrien, S., Barrière, S., Portefaix, C., Besche-Richard, C., & Kaladjian, A. (2021). Neural correlates of semantic ambiguity resolution in paucisymptomatic bipolar disorder patients. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging. 316:111346.

Benzerouk, F., Djerada, Z., Bertin, E., Barrière, S., Gierski, F., & Kaladjian, A. (2020). Contributions of Emotional Overload, Emotion Dysregulation, and Impulsivity to Eating Patterns in Obese Patients with Binge Eating Disorder and Seeking Bariatric Surgery. Nutrients. 12(10):3099.
